Circuit #3


Complete for 2-3 rounds: (DB = Dumbbell)

  1. DB Curl and Press: 15 reps
  2. DB Lunges : 12 reps (each leg)
  3. DB or Cable Rows: 12 reps
  4. Pushups: As many as you can do, if regular difficult then use knees or wall
  5. Mountain Climbers: 15 reps (Stay in previous pushup position and go from there)
  6. Sit up to Russian Twist – 10 reps (Do a sit up, then as you’re coming back down, stop half way and do 1 russian twist, then go the rest of the way down until your back touches the floor/mat. Repeat)

Take a 1-2 minute rest between each round, 15 seconds between each exercise.


Countdown from 10 – Do 10 reps of the following exercises, then repeat with 9 reps, then 8, and so on all the way down until 1 rep. Go for time, so take rest when you need it. I would suggest try to limit rest to only between each round, but do what you need to complete the full workout.

  1. Burpees
  2. Pull ups (use assisted pull up machine if you can’t do 10-15 pull ups on your own)
  3. Dips (Use assisted pull up machine for this as well, same thing just use the dip bars on the sides)


Core Day, all core muscle exercises.

Complete all exercises until failure (until you can’t do any more), with 30 seconds rest between each exercise. Do for 2 rounds:

  1. Crunches
  2. Leg lifts
  3. Plank – hold for 30 seconds
  4. Russian Twists
  5. Mountain Climbers


Tuesday, Thursday, and Sat/Sun are rest days. If you are really trying to lose weight, add some cardio, 30-40 minutes jogging/running on 1-2 of these rest days.

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