Why be fit?

Why be fit? That’s a question that we’ve probably asked ourselves a billion times over, and probably a question we thought we’ve answered over and over again. You might say something like “to stay healthy,” “live longer,” etc. And it’s true, these factors are definitely primary reasons for trying to be and stay fit. But, it’s also to improve the quality of our lives, and if you want to push it, to improve ourselves as people. Of course we all have different definitions of fit… Say, Arnold Schwarzenegger compared to Richard Simmons. They’re both dangerously sexy, but they most likely have a different perspective on who is fit and how one can become fit. But whatever your goals may be, it is important to actually attempt to attain them, and surpass them. And that’s the point of this blog, to help those reach that goal they desire, no matter the age or lifestyle.

As a personal trainer, I constantly get asked for secrets or quick ways to get “ripped” or “HYUGE,” in a really short amount of time (men usually). And honestly, if that’s what you’re looking for, you’re only going to be disappointed. Unless of course, you eat Ronnie Coleman… Then maybe. But for the most part, it’s not going to happen. It’s not about a secret training regiment or the supplements you take, but the lifestyle change that’s made. And that’s probably the most difficult part. I know, since I had to go through it.

I used to be a tiny little guy, really short and really skinny. Granted, I’m still short, but my physique has definitely changed. I never thought myself the type of guy to be going to the gym constantly, powerlifting and things of the like. But I knew I wanted to change… I didn’t want to be the way I was. Whether the reason was superficial or not, I can’t really be too sure… but I know now that’s not the case. Either way, I had to start, and had to stick with it. And I absolutely hated it. I hated the pain, the soreness, the embarrassment when being the smallest guy in the weight room, not knowing what the hell I was doing. There were so many times when I wanted to just quit. I would find myself trying to come up with excuses not to work out, like “Oh, I have so much homework” or “Oh, my hands are all wet.” But after really focusing on my goals, and having a friend who constantly pushed me, I was able to make it a habit, and overall, made a huge lifestyle change. I can’t really say I ever “reached my goal” since every time I got close, I would just push the goal even farther. I always wanted to keep going and getting better.

And if you stick with it, you’ll probably get to that point too. You’ll love seeing the gains and progress you’re making, and you won’t want to stop. You’ll get that high that tells you to keep striving for more, but for once, it’s actually to your benefit… The point is, though, to keep at it until you get to that point where it’s rolling on its own. I will be posting different programs, tips, and general info that will help with this, no matter who you may be; girl or guy, overweight or skinny, Muslim or Christian. But the first thing, as with everything, is the intention. You have to set your mind on a goal, and seek to attain it, no matter what obstacles are put in your way. Each person has a different excuse, a different set back, a different lifestyle, but the goal is all the same. You just have to start.

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