Best Beginner Strength Building and Muscle Building Routine

One of the best programs I have ever come by, excellent for overall muscle gain and foundational strength. This is a basic program that is great for beginners, but can be used for anyone of any level of fitness. If you want to build a lot of muscle and strength, this is the program for you.

A Day

  • Squat 5×5
  • Bench Press 5×5
  • Barbell Row 5×5
  • Pushups or Dips 3xFailure (Aim for 10-12)
  • Crunches 3xFailure

B Day

  • Squat 5×5
  • Overhead Press 5×5
  • Deadlift 1×5
  • Pullups 3xFailure (Aim for 10-12)
  • Plank 3×45 Seconds

The format is SETSxREPS, meaning for most of these exercises, it will be a maximum of 5 reps done, for 5 sets, with about 1 minute rest (As the weight gets heavy you will increase to 2 or 3 minutes rest). These are done on alternate days, working out 3 times a week. For example, Monday Wednesday Friday, alternating between A day and B day. The weight you will use depends on your fitness level, but I suggest that EVERYONE start with the empty Barbell and add weight each workout, just to get the form down. Add 5 pounds for each exercise per workout if you can complete the 5×5.

Do not increase reps or sets. Just do the workout. It will be easy at first with the bar, but trust me, it will get hard overtime, and you’ll see your strength skyrocket. If its too easy, just increase the weight, but stick with the number of reps and sets.

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